Thursday, February 22, 2007 |
Paypal: An important tool to collect your money |

It's great when you make money using a variety of sites but how are you going to collect it? Well, most sites use Paypal. I suggest you get either a premier or business account. It's a widely-used and very secure site that's owned by eBay. I've been using a premier account since about 1999 and have since upgraded to a business account (I don't recommend personal accounts if you're trying to MAKE money online and RECEIVE payment - use a FREE premier or a business account).
When you signup for PayPal, you can start accepting payments instantly. As the world's number one online payment service, PayPal is the fastest way to open your doors to over 86 million member accounts worldwide.
Paypal Premier Account - Perfect for buying and selling on eBay or merchant websites. Accept all payment types. Do business under your own name.
Paypal Business Account - The best option if you have an online business. Accept all payment types. Do business under a company or group name.
Best of all, it's completely free to sign up! To sign up or learn more, click here:Labels: Paypal
posted by thinketh @ 11:41 PM   |